Saeta from Luis de Pacote to Jesús Nazareno

30/03/13 Flamencomanía David Montes - Eva Mendoza

The timing of Easter lasted only two minutes in which time stood still, the Brotherhood of Jesus came to the street turning, due to cuts in the walk back to his temple after a major downpour risk, and there became to find, once again, Luis de Pacote and Nazarene to renew their vows.

Luis confessed to this means that each Madrugá, every night of Jesus' walk hand in hand from his father but is in the heaven of glory ", always looking for Jesus of Nazareth as his father did when he was on his hand small.

Thanks to friend Antonio Montesinos, Sentimiento Cofrade Website, the one who was lucky enough to be there at that time, you can see it in the video for this story.



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